Your library card unlocks so many of our services and resources. Apply now to get your card and enrich your life with everything the library has to offer.
Find all of the details about borrowing books and other materials from the library including how to Renew, Hold, or Return what you’ve checked out, in addition to helpful information on Check Out Periods and Fines.
Is the item you want checked out? It’s easy to get on the waiting list, and when your turn comes, we’ll notify you automatically. You can place a hold on an item in several ways:
You have ten days to pick up your hold once you are notified.
Renewing your materials is very simple – choose the option below that’s easiest for you!
You will not be able to renew your materials if you have $20.00 or more in fines, if there is a hold on the item you wish to renew, or if you have reached the limit of how many times you can renew your item. Most items can be renewed twice. Quick Picks cannot be renewed.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to return your library materials. Materials can be returned to any of the metro libraries: Cedar Rapids (downtown or Ladd branch), Marion, or Hiawatha. Cake pans, games, puzzles, and vinyl cannot be returned through a book drop. Please return these items inside the library during normal operating hours.
You may also use the book drops located in local Hy-Vee stores. If you can’t find the drops, just ask at the Hy-Vee Customer Service desk and they’ll point you in the right direction.
For more details on our library cards and policies, please review our Circulation Policy.
1101 6th Avenue
Marion, IA 52302
Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
To apply for a library card, patrons can:
What kind of cards does the Metro Library Network have?
MLN offers two different types of library cards: Metro and Quick.
Who can get a Metro Card?
Who can get a Quick Card?
Quick Cards limits checkouts to no more than three items and limits holds to five items.