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MPL Partners with Linn County to Join Vending Machine Program

Linn County partners have been working to make naloxone, an overdose-reversing drug, and other resources easily accessible in our community. Now, that goal has become a reality with the implementation of seven vending machines throughout Linn County.
The Marion Public Library (MPL) is one of seven host sites with a Naloxone vending machine, as part of Linn County’s Naloxone Vending Machine Program. The goal of this program is to reduce overdose deaths and prevent illnesses and/or infection that may be associated with the injection of substances. The machine is located on the second level near the restrooms and supplies naloxone, wound care kits, hygiene kits, condom packs, tampons, sharps containers, and more. All items in the vending machine are available free of charge.
Other machine locations are:
- Linn County Mental Health Access Center: 501 13th St. NW Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
- CRUSH OF IOWA Recovery Community Center: 317 7th Ave. SE Ste. 304 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
- Hiawatha Public Library: 150 W. Willman St. Hiawatha, IA 52233
- Gary’s Foods: 715 1st Ave. S Mount Vernon, IA 52314
- Linn County Community Services Building: 1240 26th Ave. Ct. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
- Cedar Rapids Comprehensive Treatment Center: 5005 Bowling St. SW Ste. C Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Funding for this initiative is made possible by the Linn County Opioid Settlement Funds, which were awarded to the program by the Linn County Board of Supervisors. The Substance Misuse Committee of Linn County is managing the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
The vending machine is part of the Naloxone Vending Machine Program. This program ensures individuals within our communities have free access to Naloxone and other harm reduction supplies.
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids – including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications – when given in time. Naloxone is easy to use and small to carry. There are two forms of naloxone that anyone can use without medical training or authorization: prefilled nasal spray and injectable (CDC).
No, naloxone won’t harm someone if they’re overdosing on drugs other than opioids, so it’s always best to use it if you think someone is having an overdose. Naloxone quickly reverses an overdose by blocking the effects of opioids. It can restore normal breathing within 2-3 minutes in a person whose breath has slowed, or even stopped.
This program was awarded funding from the Linn County Board of Supervisors through the Opioid Settlement Funds. Taxpayer dollars are not being used to financially support this program.
All items in the vending machines are free and available to anyone who needs them.
Some of the other items in the machine include wound care kits, hygiene kits, condom packs, tampons, sharps containers, and more. Supplies may vary from location to location.
Libraries are a safe space in our communities and a place where all are welcome to utilize our services. This program is another service we are offering to our community. Our hope is to expand access to these supplies for all who need them, and thus reduce barriers to healthy living.
We understand your concern. This program’s goal is to not increase drug use or sex in our community, but is focused on ensuring individuals have access to evidence-based items to keep themselves healthy and safe. This vending machine is a service for all members of the community, including those that might encounter barriers to access these materials, and our hope is that individuals who need these supplies will feel safe when using this resource.
Additional program information and vending machine locations can be found online at